本篇内容和源码均参考 UE5。

# UE VirtualMachine

enum EExprToken : uint8
	// Variable references.
	EX_LocalVariable		= 0x00,	// A local variable.
	EX_InstanceVariable		= 0x01,	// An object variable.
	EX_DefaultVariable		= 0x02, // Default variable for a class context.
	//						= 0x03,
	EX_Return				= 0x04,	// Return from function.
	//						= 0x05,
	EX_Jump					= 0x06,	// Goto a local address in code.
	EX_JumpIfNot			= 0x07,	// Goto if not expression.
	//						= 0x08,
	EX_Assert				= 0x09,	// Assertion.
	//						= 0x0A,
	EX_Nothing				= 0x0B,	// No operation.
	//						= 0x0C,
	//						= 0x0D,
	//						= 0x0E,
	EX_Let					= 0x0F,	// Assign an arbitrary size value to a variable.
	//						= 0x10,
	//						= 0x11,
	EX_ClassContext			= 0x12,	// Class default object context.
	EX_MetaCast             = 0x13, // Metaclass cast.
	EX_LetBool				= 0x14, // Let boolean variable.
	EX_EndParmValue			= 0x15,	// end of default value for optional function parameter
	EX_EndFunctionParms		= 0x16,	// End of function call parameters.
	EX_Self					= 0x17,	// Self object.
	EX_Skip					= 0x18,	// Skippable expression.
	EX_Context				= 0x19,	// Call a function through an object context.
	EX_Context_FailSilent	= 0x1A, // Call a function through an object context (can fail silently if the context is NULL; only generated for functions that don't have output or return values).
	EX_VirtualFunction		= 0x1B,	// A function call with parameters.
	EX_FinalFunction		= 0x1C,	// A prebound function call with parameters.
	EX_IntConst				= 0x1D,	// Int constant.
	EX_FloatConst			= 0x1E,	// Floating point constant.
	EX_StringConst			= 0x1F,	// String constant.
	EX_ObjectConst		    = 0x20,	// An object constant.
	EX_NameConst			= 0x21,	// A name constant.
	EX_RotationConst		= 0x22,	// A rotation constant.
	EX_VectorConst			= 0x23,	// A vector constant.
	EX_ByteConst			= 0x24,	// A byte constant.
	EX_IntZero				= 0x25,	// Zero.
	EX_IntOne				= 0x26,	// One.
	EX_True					= 0x27,	// Bool True.
	EX_False				= 0x28,	// Bool False.
	EX_TextConst			= 0x29, // FText constant
	EX_NoObject				= 0x2A,	// NoObject.
	EX_TransformConst		= 0x2B, // A transform constant
	EX_IntConstByte			= 0x2C,	// Int constant that requires 1 byte.
	EX_NoInterface			= 0x2D, // A null interface (similar to EX_NoObject, but for interfaces)
	EX_DynamicCast			= 0x2E,	// Safe dynamic class casting.
	EX_StructConst			= 0x2F, // An arbitrary UStruct constant
	EX_EndStructConst		= 0x30, // End of UStruct constant
	EX_SetArray				= 0x31, // Set the value of arbitrary array
	EX_EndArray				= 0x32,
	EX_PropertyConst		= 0x33, // FProperty constant.
	EX_UnicodeStringConst   = 0x34, // Unicode string constant.
	EX_Int64Const			= 0x35,	// 64-bit integer constant.
	EX_UInt64Const			= 0x36,	// 64-bit unsigned integer constant.
	EX_DoubleConst			= 0x37, // Double constant.
	EX_Cast					= 0x38,	// A casting operator which reads the type as the subsequent byte
	EX_SetSet				= 0x39,
	EX_EndSet				= 0x3A,
	EX_SetMap				= 0x3B,
	EX_EndMap				= 0x3C,
	EX_SetConst				= 0x3D,
	EX_EndSetConst			= 0x3E,
	EX_MapConst				= 0x3F,
	EX_EndMapConst			= 0x40,
	EX_Vector3fConst		= 0x41,	// A float vector constant.
	EX_StructMemberContext	= 0x42, // Context expression to address a property within a struct
	EX_LetMulticastDelegate	= 0x43, // Assignment to a multi-cast delegate
	EX_LetDelegate			= 0x44, // Assignment to a delegate
	EX_LocalVirtualFunction	= 0x45, // Special instructions to quickly call a virtual function that we know is going to run only locally
	EX_LocalFinalFunction	= 0x46, // Special instructions to quickly call a final function that we know is going to run only locally
	//						= 0x47, // CST_ObjectToBool
	EX_LocalOutVariable		= 0x48, // local out (pass by reference) function parameter
	//						= 0x49, // CST_InterfaceToBool
	EX_DeprecatedOp4A		= 0x4A,
	EX_InstanceDelegate		= 0x4B,	// const reference to a delegate or normal function object
	EX_PushExecutionFlow	= 0x4C, // push an address on to the execution flow stack for future execution when a EX_PopExecutionFlow is executed.   Execution continues on normally and doesn't change to the pushed address.
	EX_PopExecutionFlow		= 0x4D, // continue execution at the last address previously pushed onto the execution flow stack.
	EX_ComputedJump			= 0x4E,	// Goto a local address in code, specified by an integer value.
	EX_PopExecutionFlowIfNot = 0x4F, // continue execution at the last address previously pushed onto the execution flow stack, if the condition is not true.
	EX_Breakpoint			= 0x50, // Breakpoint.  Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing.
	EX_InterfaceContext		= 0x51,	// Call a function through a native interface variable
	EX_ObjToInterfaceCast   = 0x52,	// Converting an object reference to native interface variable
	EX_EndOfScript			= 0x53, // Last byte in script code
	EX_CrossInterfaceCast	= 0x54, // Converting an interface variable reference to native interface variable
	EX_InterfaceToObjCast   = 0x55, // Converting an interface variable reference to an object
	//						= 0x56,
	//						= 0x57,
	//						= 0x58,
	//						= 0x59,
	EX_WireTracepoint		= 0x5A, // Trace point.  Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing.
	EX_SkipOffsetConst		= 0x5B, // A CodeSizeSkipOffset constant
	EX_AddMulticastDelegate = 0x5C, // Adds a delegate to a multicast delegate's targets
	EX_ClearMulticastDelegate = 0x5D, // Clears all delegates in a multicast target
	EX_Tracepoint			= 0x5E, // Trace point.  Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing.
	EX_LetObj				= 0x5F,	// assign to any object ref pointer
	EX_LetWeakObjPtr		= 0x60, // assign to a weak object pointer
	EX_BindDelegate			= 0x61, // bind object and name to delegate
	EX_RemoveMulticastDelegate = 0x62, // Remove a delegate from a multicast delegate's targets
	EX_CallMulticastDelegate = 0x63, // Call multicast delegate
	EX_LetValueOnPersistentFrame = 0x64,
	EX_ArrayConst			= 0x65,
	EX_EndArrayConst		= 0x66,
	EX_SoftObjectConst		= 0x67,
	EX_CallMath				= 0x68, // static pure function from on local call space
	EX_SwitchValue			= 0x69,
	EX_InstrumentationEvent	= 0x6A, // Instrumentation event
	EX_ArrayGetByRef		= 0x6B,
	EX_ClassSparseDataVariable = 0x6C, // Sparse data variable
	EX_FieldPathConst		= 0x6D,
	EX_Max					= 0xFF,


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